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Catering can be setup for any event, even BBQ Wedding Catering. We are one of the Best Wedding BBQ Caterers in London.


We love Catering BBQ!!!


Whatever your budget, we can always cater to your exact requirements and ensure that all guests eat well and have a relaxed and enjoyable time.


Our professionally trained wedding caterers have many years experience and supply the very best, stylish and perfectly cooked hog roast and barbeque wedding catering service throughout London.


At Event BBQ London, we are obsessed with quality ingredients and unbeatable flavors. BBQ London is more than a menu offering, it’s our passion. Authentic BBQ takes dedication, commitment, patience, and serious elbow grease – sort of like a marriage.


It’s no surprise that our BBQ is such a popular choice for wedding catering. From curating the highest quality inventory of fresh, local ingredients to perfecting our secret ingredient spice rub, our BBQ is a true labor of love.


We’d love to help you craft a custom catered menu you’ll daydream about, and get to work preparing, curing and smoking the very best cuts of your favorite meats guaranteed to impress your guests on your special day. We’ll put pour our skill, talent and BBQ passion into creating a meal that will exceed your expectations.

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Weddings BBQ

Business Hours

Monday - Saturday
        11:00am – 9:00pm
        12:00pm – 7:00pm


Tel: 07861 807 771


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